Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Kameron and Will play SOCCER!

Miss Cizdziel and I went to watch the boys play in their soccer game. They have skills and they got game! They all played AWESOME!

WE had a fun time cheering the Tigers on to victory! GO TIGERS!!!

Look out soccer world, we have some pro's heading your way!!

Joel's Baseball Game!!!

I had a great time watching Joel play in one of his COLD baseball games in MAY!!! Yes...it was freezing!

Joel is a very versatile player. I saw him play pitcher and first base. One day, he will be a pro. I know it!

I am keeping this picture because one day Joel will be famous!!!


Fun times at Field Day!

Check out below some of the activities we participated in via video and still camera.  You all have talented students!  ENJOY!!

Minute to Win It....CD......as soon as I stopped videoing Nicholas completed the task!!!! Way to go Nickolas!

Shoe Kick

KELBY and JENNA were our hula champs!!!


We had a blast at field day!